Friday 21 December 2007

WebSphere Portal RAD 7.0

I had today a lot of trouble getting my portlet project deployed into the the WebSphere Portal server.

The server was started the publish progress bar was at 100 %, then the deployment failed "could connect to WebSphere Application Server"

I have try doing a lot of differnent things.. but what that resolved my problem was to create a new workspace..

Hope this help other ..

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Eat the frog

I have read some excellent book lately the first one was "eat the frog" .. the books is about been more productive by avoid postpone the "boring" tasks .. I have decided to let some of these advice come into my live..

Another book i'm about to read is the 8'the habit this is a very good book, the goal is to explain how to be a leader in business as well as you personal live. Some of the conclusions/advice in the book is very good but still om think the book maybe has a to wide a scope.